Brook Trout – Toolbox

Join host Chelsea McKinney and Dr. Nathaniel Hitt, Scientist, USGS as we learn about the coolest fish you could ever imagine, the brook trout. These gorgeous fish are native to the cool, clear-flowing streams of the Appalachian Mountains.

The brook trout is a fish native to the eastern United States, and is often referred to as speckled trout, spotted trout, brookie, and squaretail. “Brookies” are considered an indicator species, because they help indicate the health or overall quality of the waters they inhabit. Large numbers of brook trout found in a stream indicate a healthy environment while a decline indicates deteriorating habitat and poor water quality.

Facebook LIVE Episode

Date recorded: 2020-05-14

Speaker: Brett Billings, Host, USFWS; Than Hitt, Fisheries Scientist, USGS

Description: We will learn all about brook trout from USGS scientist, Than Hitt. Have your questions ready as we get to know the native trout of eastern North America. Tune in to our Conservation Connect!

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Brook Trout Activity
